Other History and Writings

by Steve Williamson

Articles About History

Ping Yang School Bombings

Ping Yang School Bombings

On a hot July night in 1901, in the small community of Mohawk, Oregon, a school named Ping Yang was blown up by a bomb. It was the third bombing of the school since 1895. (1) Each of the attacks was at night and no one was injured. The bombings were widely reported in Oregon newspapers, but no one was arrested…

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Ping Yang on the Mohawk

Ping Yang on the Mohawk

The Forgotten Asians of Western Oregon By Stephen H. WilliamsonIn addition to researching the life of Opal Whiteley, Steve is also noted for documenting the forgotten history of Asians in early Marcola, Oregon. Opal lived in Marcola as a small child. Discover where...

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The Real Magi

The Real Magi

The Real History Behind the Bible Story of the Wise MenYou may have sent and received dozens of Christmas cards with their images. Yet, how much do you really know about the Three Wise Men?  This page is unique in telling the Magi's story through their own culture...

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Articles About Health

Dancing with Dog Toys

Dancing with Dog Toys

A Fun Exercise! Let's face it, while dancing is great exercise, it's not much fun alone. However, dancing with dog toys is great fun and good exercise for balance. I do it about 30 minutes each morning - that's around 3,500 steps on my phone's step counter! Plus, I...

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Weight Loss- Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Weight Loss- Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Four Easy Ways to Lose WeightI've used these tips & lost over 50 lbs 1.  I weigh myself each day at the same time - in the morning. My weight fluctuates quickly. Daily weights show me the small changes. 2.  I control cravings between meals and after dinner with...

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FAQ’s About Quitting Smoking

FAQ’s About Quitting Smoking

I had a heart exam the year before I quit smoking. All appeared normal except for slightly elevated blood pressure which is fairly normal for men my age (I take Lisinopril daily). If you have had any history of heart trouble or high blood pressure be sure to consult...

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Quit Smoking and Lose Weight

Quit Smoking and Lose Weight

How to Quit Smoking AND Lose Weight! If you or someone you loves smokes cigarettes, PLEASE show them this web page. I have stumbled upon a fairly easy way to do what seems impossible - quit smoking and lose weight. You can see before and after photos of me from 240...

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