Who Was Opal Whiteley?

Who Was Opal Whiteley?

Every town has its legends. Most are unknown to outsiders. However, our legend, Opal Whiteley, is known worldwide. Many visitors come to Cottage Grove each year to see where she lived and wrote about. People love to take selfies by her mural. In 1918 Opal was the most...
How Cerro Gordo Mountain was Named

How Cerro Gordo Mountain was Named

Our Forgotten War with Mexico The Battle of Cerro Gordo, 4/18/1847  By Stephen Williamson, (c) 2015 Cerro Gordo Mountain is located six miles east of Cottage Grove, Oregon.  It overlooks Dorena Lake.  Anyone in downtown Cottage Grove can see Cerro Gordo Mountain...
Review of the book “Opal”

Review of the book “Opal”

“OPAL”, by Katherine Beck A Flawed Book about a Flawed Gem Reviewed by Stephen Williamson   ** two stars People interested in the writer Opal Whiteley have long waited for an objective biography. It was hoped that K.K. Beck, author of over a dozen pulp...
Opal Whiteley Mental Health Report

Opal Whiteley Mental Health Report

Did Opal have have Autism/Asperger’s, Not Schizophrenia? I started the Opal Whiteley Memorial in 1994 to talk about subjects that are often taboo like child abuse and schizophrenia. Opal’s life and writings offer important lessons for how we treat people. ...